While creating the Aadhar card, the government stores fingerprints and retina scan data, which is called biometric data. It is used for base verification. You can lock this biometric data sitting at home. Visit the UIDAI website and Lock / Unlock Biometrics? Click on
You will now have the option of Lock your Biometrics. Insert your 12-digit base number below it and send the OTP. After this there will be a one time password on your mobile.
After that open the OTP in the OTP bar of the open page and click on Verify. Now check enabled biometric locking. After checking enabled biometric locking, click on the enable. If you want to disable the lock, then uncheck the enabled biometric locking. Disable it again.
In this way you can lock / unlock your base biometric data. Explain that after locking the biometric data, the transaction based on the basis and request will be validated only through OTP sent to the mobile number. The thumb and iris scan facility will end.
You will now have the option of Lock your Biometrics. Insert your 12-digit base number below it and send the OTP. After this there will be a one time password on your mobile.
After that open the OTP in the OTP bar of the open page and click on Verify. Now check enabled biometric locking. After checking enabled biometric locking, click on the enable. If you want to disable the lock, then uncheck the enabled biometric locking. Disable it again.
In this way you can lock / unlock your base biometric data. Explain that after locking the biometric data, the transaction based on the basis and request will be validated only through OTP sent to the mobile number. The thumb and iris scan facility will end.
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